Create engaging quiz
Instantly share quizzes
Flexibility in attempt
Time-based assessments
Randomize at each level
Multiple question formats
Set result criteria
Action pipeline
Cheating prevention
Google Sign-in
Apple Sign-in
Email verification using OTP
SSL encryption
Live chat support
Email support
Slack support
Everything in FREE Plan
Remove Neeto branding
Cancel anytime
The Free Plan includes all the features listed in the white section. These features are available completely free of charge.
We have written about our pricing philosophy here in detail.
Yes you can cancel your subscription at any time.
We do not offer any on-premise version of any of the Neeto products at this time.
All Neeto products have a FREE plan to try the product out. When you upgrade your plan, you already know what the product does and what it doesn't do. Our official refund policy is that we don't refund. Having said that, if you have an exceptional case, please reach out to us, and we will look into your case.